North Korean Nuke Factories Going Faster // Want to know the...

There is a website called 38 North, which is a navigator’s term of reference to the 38th parallel of northern latitude, which also happens...

Losing Control // An evening out changes his life —and his...

I tend to have a bit of a short fuse. I don’t consider myself an angry person, but I’ve been known to occasionally explode...

Exclusive Interview: It Takes a Few Good Chasidic Men // How...

If one of the aspirations of the Satmar Rebbe, zt”l, was to embolden chasidim with beards and peiyos to participate in life in the...

A Princely Visit // The British heir to the throne makes...

There was great excitement in the Israeli government and some of the Israeli press over the recent visit of Britain’s Prince William to Israel....

Fire! // Drama on a Shabbos morning

It was five a.m. on Shabbos morning when my husband woke up with a start. “There’s a fire somewhere,” he said. “I can smell...

An Unlikely Culprit // The doctors insisted that there was nothing...

With a shrieking baby in one hand I picked up the ringing phone with the other. “Hi, Ma!” I said very loudly over the baby’s...

The Photo Detective // Lily Yudinsky solves historical mysteries by delving...

Have you ever had a houseful of guests, and one of the children asks to see your picture albums? The child then proceeds to...

Q&A with Lobbyist Greg Mitchell

Q:How did you become involved in the prison reform bill that was just passed by the House of Representatives? A:In 2010 I was contacted by...

Distracted Parenting // You’d never let your children ...

It was before the age of smartphones. I was traveling north on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn and I picked up my phone, perhaps a...

Beet, Mushroom, Avocado Salad

5 ounces baby kale 8 ounces Gefen Cooked Red Beets 2 ripe avocados, thinly sliced 2 sheets Tuscanini  Parchment Crackers crushed into bite-sized pieces Mushrooms: 4 medium Portobello mushroom caps, sliced ½...

No-Bake Cookie Dough Chocolate Chips

Cookie-dough lovers, this one’s for you! This tasty egg-free cookie dough can be eaten raw—in fact, it’s meant to be! The cookie dough is...

5-Minute Mango Ice Cream (or Individual Mango Smoothie Ice Cream Treats)

This recipe was created out of necessity. I have recently tried to take myself off sugar and have been looking for ways to satisfy...

A Large Rally in London for Chinuch // Rabbi Avraham Pinter,...

Q:What was the purpose of the kinus? A:The purpose was Asei l’maan tinokos shel beis rabban. No more and no less. We’re in a matzav...

Crime Calling // Indian police officers are arresting scammers victimizing Americans....

The most frequent victims of crime are what I call “GOPs,” which stands for “gullible old people.” You know who they are. Everyone has...

With Pride Comes the Fall // All I wanted to do...

“What in the world are you doing?” my husband, Tzvi, asked as he walked through the door on Thursday evening. “Washing the walls,” I explained,...

The Immigration and Separation Debate Two Senators Questioned

A policy to separate children from parents who’ve crossed over the border illegally has been causing quite a stir; even some of the president’s...

Heart to Heart // In the face of his daughter’s...

Meir Abrams was working late one Thursday night in February 2010 when he received an alarming text from his wife, Leora: “I’m with Yehudis...

101 Days in a Russian Jail // A yeshivah bachur who...

‘‘Hey, you!” the security guard at Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport called out to Yitzchok Yoselovksy, a young bachur on his way home from yeshivah...

Nikki Haley (US Ambassador to the UN) & Dan Shapiro (Former...

It’s hardly news that the United Nations is about as hypocritical and corrupt as an institution can get. But last week, the Trump administration...

The Secret Deal // Newly discovered documents reveal that Recha Sternbuch’s...

The house was so crowded that it was not uncommon for refugees from Nazi-occupied territory to believe at first that Reb Yitzchok (Isaac) and...