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Between Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi & Brisk

While I’ve been in the Bayit Vegan home of Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi before, the venerable rosh yeshivah of Yeshivas Ateres Yisrael and distinguished...

A visit with the renowned mashpia Rav Shalom Arush, shlita

To my surprise and delight, on this crystal-clear summer day outside the Jerusalem home of Rav Shalom Arush I happen upon his renowned disciple,...

Yerushalayim Shel Ma’alah // A riveting and wide-ranging conversation with Rav...

‘‘There was once a young chasidishe bachur who was wandering around the unseemly areas of Yerushalayim. When some askanim came to tell my father...

A Cantor’s Life // Moishe Kraus recalls his nine decades as...

Wrapped in his mother’s shawl as a substitute for a tallis, Moishele Kraus started singing as a little boy—and proceeded to sing for the...

Taking the Gloves Off // After a year and a half...

Who speaks for the Jews? Open any Israeli newspaper, including the most left-wing, and you’ll find that amidst the pronouncements of secular movers and...

Mike Huckabee Helps Promote Day of Prayer // Former governor and...

More than one million people worldwide will be joining together for much needed tefillos in a “Day of Jewish Unity” organized by Acheinu, the...

“Prime Minister Mohammed of Israel”?

More than a few eyebrows were raised when it was reported recently that President Donald Trump said if no deal is reached between Israel...

Belzer Kehillah’s business expo a huge success

The trade fair is a staple of the Jewish or chasidishe story, with the merchant who heads off to Lublin or Leipzig for the...

For the Love of Jews // Dov Hikind reflects on his...

When Dov Hikind tells me he knew that if Jakiw Palij was ever going to be deported it was going to happen under the...

Honey Money // Honey might be the only food that never...

A tip came in that Stephanie Giesselbach was skipping town. She had broken the lease on her car, the utilities in her apartment had...