Tag: Thisweek

The Charleston Lach

Charleston, South Carolina, is a small Southern city renowned for its history, charm and beauty. Tourists flock here to see where the first shot...

Massive Mishaps

An interesting email from the White House found its way into my inbox on the Friday before Purim. They were seeking confirmation that I...

Everyone Is Lying to Congress About the Wiretaps

Yes, Mr. Trump is my president and I always respect the holder of that office. No, I did not and do not support the...

Remembering My Father / A Conversation with Rav Yitzchak ...

“From time to time the Beis Yisrael of Gur, zt”l, would summon my father in order to speak with him,” begins Rav Grossman. “The...

From Downfall To Windfall

As a senior executive of French-owned BNP Paribas Bank, one of the largest banks in the world, Jean-Marc Orlando held a position on Wall...

Wires, Liars and Spy-ers

I was thinking of writing a brief history of electronic espionage involving Jews in Israel and the United States, but I was a bit...

There’s More than Meets the Brief

You know what’s back? You are. Tours of the White House, which had at one point come to an end during the Obama years...

Between The President and The Press / A one-on-one with former...

There’s an old adage: “Big stories can happen in small places.” Ari Fleischer’s story actually happened in a big place, as press secretary for...

Protector of the Sick

"And now enters ‘Sar Hachesed (the Minister of Charity),” the toastmaster announced at a sheva brachos I recently attended in Jerusalem. I craned my neck...

Lunchbreak with David (Duddy) Shagalov

BACKGROUND: David (Duddy) Shagalov is the founder of Liger Electronics, the umbrella name for his online based company focusing on reselling and manufacturing their...