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Round Two // Something seemed off with my mother’s new...

I was walking out of shul, zipping up my tallis bag, when my phone rang. I was surprised to hear from Michoel, an old...

A Stonking Majority // Boris Johnson’s landslide win

The Victory This past Thursday saw Boris Johnson winning a massive and unprecedented majority for the Conservative (Tory) party, the biggest since Margaret Thatcher’s win...

In the Shadow of Hate // A visit with Jersey City...

Last Thursday, when I visited Steven Michael Fulop, the 49th mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey, to discuss the anti-Semitic attack that had taken...

Farewell, My Friend A Tribute to Reb Moshe Hersh Deutsch, z”l

My phone buzzed on Tuesday afternoon with a request for Tehillim for my dear friend, Moshe Hersh Deutsch. Moshe Hersh was trapped in a...

The Exclusive Ami Magazine Poll //What Orthodox Jews really think about...

What percentage of American Jewry identifies as Orthodox? Chances are, especially if you’ve ever seen any of the polls that have been conducted over...

Walmart or Bust // Would our houseguest ever leave?

My phone rang, its shrill tone reverberating through the quiet house. I opened one sleepy eye. It was 1:10 a.m. A phone call at...

The Movement Comes To The Masses!

Now that the ravaging effects of out-of-control wedding expenses—a topic featured in Ami Magazine over the past few weeks—has been brought to the fore,...

Orthodox Doctors Vs. Assisted Suicide // Laws permitting assisted suicide...

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. —The Hippocratic Oath A...

An Audience of One // Rabbi David Refson, the pioneering founder...

A few days before this interview took place, its two participants—interviewer and interviewee—agreed that the better part of wisdom would probably be to cancel....

A Petition to Keep Wedding Expenses Down // Ami...

Recently, Ami ran a cover story about Reb Chaim Ekstein’s personal quest to marry off his child for under $10,000. The article resonated with...