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Echoes // Years later, my words saved a life

The phone’s ringing jarred me awake. I checked the clock on my night table: 7:15 a.m. I was usually already up at this hour,...

Hoping for A Miracle // The doctors had horrible news, but we clung...

Our story begins with a pregnancy. A run-of-the-mill, perfect pregnancy. My husband and I are parents to five healthy children, and this baby would...

The Flower Frenzy // We thought our Shavuos gift was taken care of

Erev Shavuos afternoon found me rushing around the house doing some last-minute tasks. Yom Tov was fast approaching, and I was frantically trying to...

Hoping for A Miracle // The doctors had horrible news, but we...

Our story begins with a pregnancy. A run-of-the-mill, perfect pregnancy. My husband and I are parents to five healthy children, and this baby would...

Beyond The Piping Bag // It’s never just been about a passion for pastry...

The story I’m about to share with you will take us across many settings and continents...from the crime-ridden streets of Bogotá, where children ride...

Nixing the Shidduch Pix // Lisa Elefant is leading a group of over 200...

If you have a child currently in the shidduch parshah, you might have noticed that the shidduch résumés you’ve been sent in the past...

A Chance Meeting // Outrunning a storm but not a friendship

It was an unlikely friendship. She was a lovely girl from a heimishe family and lived in Boro Park. I was a Spanish-speaking Sefardi from...

What No One Told Me Before I Got Divorced // Some things to ...

Divorce” is sad, and it’s also difficult for everyone involved. We are torn. What should we do? When and how should we do it? And...

RSV // The virus that went viral in the heimishe community

It’s just another Sunday, and I’m standing in line at a toy store in Boro Park. Harried parents shift from one foot to the...

Try this at home // Home remedies that really work

Sometimes I feel like I missed out on a whole wonderful world of natural home remedies simply because the set of grandparents who lived...