Ami Living

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Because It’s Mine // Recalling a humble man who loved life

My father has always loved to tell us stories about his childhood in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. When he was growing up, there were few...

All tied up // Why were my babies not able to nurse?

When I became a mother for the first time, to a gorgeous little girl weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces, I was over the moon...

Exploring our dreams // while ago, we published sleep consultant Doron Lazarus’ story of...

When did you realize that there was a connection between insomnia and dreams? My interest in dreams began when we were looking at sleep disorders...

Our car went up in flames // When Rebbetzin Dr. Hana Hendler moved...

On Wednesday, May 12, I heard glass breaking outside. It was Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Rockets were being fired from Gaza and there had been...

Against the Grain // And I thought that I had it difficult

Legend has it that a group of yeshivah bachurim in Eretz Yisrael once pooled a bunch of money together to send someone roundtrip to...

Getting out of your own way // Understanding the Phenomenon of Self-Sabotage

When I met Aharon Belsky,* single and age 29, I took in at a glance his jeans and black T-shirt, his dot-sized yarmulke barely...

The Mystery of My Unhappy Baby // Why was feeding my baby...

A friend of mine suggested that I share our medical saga with Ami readers, in the hope that it will help another mommy out...

Never Say Never // It was an unlikely match

Not long ago, a young man walked into my house on a Sunday afternoon. He was coming to talk to me because I am...

Searching for Solace // In an attempt to bring comfort to the bereaved...

What can you say to offer even a small bit of comfort to a grief-stricken mother who is sitting shivah for her children? How...

My Cancer Chazakah // A three-time cancer survivor shares her personal experiences dealing with...

Many decades ago, I was taught in grade school by a very British English teacher that it was “good form” to have an interesting...