Yitzchok Rosenberg // Kings Fish Tank and Maintenance, Inc.

hen Yitzchok Rosenberg shows up for an install, one of the most common reactions he receives is “I wasn’t expecting someone looking like you.” The fish tank business is not a typical occupation for a...

Site Unseen // (A little) progress at The Times

Back in September 2015, a New York Times report on clashes at Har Habayis referred to the makom mikdash as the site where the Jewish temples were “believed to have once stood.” Three days earlier,...

The Amazing Trajectory of Rabbi Yitzchok Zev Kolakowski aka The Koblentzer Rebbe

How are you doing today? I’m all right. I’m having a very long day today because it’s Ramadan and I don’t have anyone else helping me tonight. I’d also like to go visit an inmate...

What’s the deal with the Yosef Shpiel? // Throughout the centuries, Jewish communities all...

Throughout the centuries, Jewish communities all over the world have put on plays associated with various Yomim Tovim. These performances were quite popular in the Portuguese-Jewish community in Amsterdam and among the Jews of...

Shimon Blinker // Chutzpah Watches

I interviewed Shimon Blinker recently, but I held off on publishing the interview until now. Shimon is a watch reseller and earns several million dollars a year in profit from selling watches. However, Shimon...

Exposed // An update on the grand Jewish plot

Okay, there’s little use carrying on our little charade anymore. We Jews have been exposed. And widely, not only by current Middle-Eastern media and personalities but even by a social-media-exhumed Osama bin Laden—as well...

Defeating Hamas Despite the Pressure // A conversation with Danny Danon

Danny Danon is an Israeli politician and former diplomat. A member of the Likud Party, he served in the Knesset from 2009 to 2015 and reentered the Knesset in 2022. From 2015 to 2020,...

The Biden Netanyahu Rift // A conversation with Dore Gold

Dore Gold is an American-born Israeli political scientist and diplomat who served as permanent representative of Israel to the United Nations from 1997 to 1999. He is currently the president of the Jerusalem Center...

SMB Sales & Marketing Summit // A Panel Discussion about the challenges of...

I recently had the opportunity to host a unique business panel with three entrepreneurs from different worlds. The panel took place at the SMB Sales and Marketing Summit arranged by Mordchai Lunger of Success...

Comical Complaints // Are mainstream media too nice to Israel?

Sometimes-increasingly so, of late—it feels like we’ve been dropped into some bizarre alternative universe where black is white and white is black; down is up and up is down; wrong is right and right...