A Chasidishe Non-Jew // My interactions and impressions of President Milei...

On September 10, 2023, a week before Rosh Hashanah, I got a call from Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky asking me to meet with this underdog Argentinian candidate for president. He wasn’t expected to have any...

Leon Cooperman // Omega Advisors

There is increasing alarm at the rising trend of anti-Semitism among the elite universities in America. A growing number of blatantly anti-Semitic groups have been given free rein by these colleges, and many Jewish...

Lonely voice in a nasty jungle // No, we don’t eat people… or refuse...

It was 1967 and nine-year-old Bassem, a Yerushalayim-born Arab, was visiting his aunt’s one-room apartment in the Old City. The aunt’s radio was broadcasting news of how Israeli soldiers had recaptured the city. The boy...

Combining Halacha, Chasidus and the Practice of Medicine // Dr. Yehuda Sabiner shares the...

After pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming a doctor, Yehuda Sabiner, an ardent Gerrer chasid and resident of Bnei Brak, made history when he began his internship at Israel’s Sheba Medical Center, just when...

Unlocking Autism // Developments in the Field Bring hope to Families

Professor Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown Explains How Changing the Microbiome Can Help People with Autism  The quest to treat autism isn’t limited to a study of the mind. In fact, one of the most promising areas of...

Marc Zimmet // Zimmet Healthcare Services Group

The nursing home industry is part of the senior care business boom in our economy; many people in the community are involved in this industry in one way or another. I recently had a...

Reactive Devaluation // Black and White is for Cookies

A popular political game these days is something I call “Black and White”—where one political party or label or movement is a knight in shining armor, and the other, the worst villain imaginable. Little-known secret:...

Through Reason and Niggun // A conversation with the renowned mechanech and composer Rabbi...

A widely respected mechanech and mashpia, Rabbi Pinchas Breier is the son of noted Belzer composer Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Breier, who also serves as the rosh yeshivah of Belz in Beis Chilkiyah in central Israel. Rabbi Breier,...

Is Egypt Helping or Harming in Gaza?// With distrust on both sides, the future...

“Since the war started in Gaza, it doesn’t look good. It looks like there is a lack of trust.” —Mohamed Anwar Sadat, a nephew of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and a former member of...

The Rothchilds House of Conspiracy // How a Jewish family’s business success made them...

The name “Rothschild” has been synonymous with wealth and power for almost 300 years. It has also been associated with wild conspiracies, usually concocted by anti-Semites convinced that the family, who at its zenith...