The Vindication of Michael Oren

A few years ago I had the great privilege of visiting Rav Mordechai Sheinberger in his modest apartment on Rechov Hayehudim, in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. In the course...

A Slick Swindle

On the day I started the consortium, they burned my car, they burned down part of my home and I was inside with my wife and my daughter.” That was how an olive oil...

The Human Experience

“Judy?” Bubbe’s voice was frantic. I’d never heard her this way. “Bubbe? What’s the matter? Is Grandpa okay?” My grandfather had a mini-stroke a couple of months earlier, and was basically homebound. “Grandpa’s fine. We’ve been...

More Turkish Terror

The Russian ambassador to Turkey was shot in plain sight last week. While standing at the podium at an art gallery in Ankara, Andrey Karlov fell to the ground, mortally wounded. The unflinching camera...

Pan-Seared Fish and Baked Sweet Potato Chips

The British eat fish and chips like Americans eat pizza and hotdogs. It’s their beloved street food, served in most houses at least once a week. The real deep-fried version is crispy, crunchy, and...

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

“When I made this, I was thinking of sending it to everyone I know because it’s SO good! Then I read your letter, Victoria, about the new Mixing Bowl, and though I’ve never before sent something...

Frozen Hot Chocolate

When I was growing up, I used to hear about the fabled Serendipity confectionery shop and its glorious frozen hot chocolate drink. When I had my restaurant, I recreated what I imagined this drink...

Does it have to be painful?

I have to preface this article with a confession: Although I am a grown woman, the mother of several children, I’m really a big baby. Sure, I’ve killed many a spider in my day...

The Mysterious “Ish”

PARSHAT MIKEITZ/CHANUKAH Chanukah is the ultimate chag of reflection. It is an eight-day-long experience of connecting to Hashem, of sitting in front of the candles and engaging in introspection. When else do you sit with...

A Tiny Miracle a Baby Defies All Adds

Hashem’s magnificent brachos often unfold by squeezing and stretching us beyond our perceived limits, like that olive that has to be crushed to release its golden oil. First comes the sweat, the doubt, the...