Know Them by Their Mannequins // The World could use a...

Was “Hitler 2” destroyed during the current war in Gaza? There are unverified reports that it is no more. What is—or was—it, you ask? Oh,...

A Profile in Courage // Bronx Congressman Ritchie Torres’ unwavering friendship...

Of all the politicians in the Democratic Party, Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY) has probably been the most outstanding in his consistent defense of Israel,...

Barry Rosen // Taken Hostage During the Iranian Hostage Crisis, He’s...

Barry Rosen was sitting in a small, dark room, not knowing where he was, what time it might have been—or if he was ever...

Hershel Klein // Klein’s Naturals

What’s behind a brand? Who is behind a brand? We often think of brands, especially well-known ones, as corporate identities—a name, nothing more. But it...

The New Third Reich // Some “dumb ideas” are truly dumb

Few things could better illustrate what the Gemara (Eruvin 53b) teaches us about the little boy and Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah—how a short road...

Defending Israel On & Off the Airwaves // A conversation with...

In the midst of the firestorm of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda that has spread throughout the media, official spokespeople for the Israeli government have...

Going to Bat for Israel in South Africa // A conversation...

Supporters of Hamas’ terrorism have been using every venue they can to harm Israel, including international courts. That impulse lay behind South Africa’s recent...

Avi Kamionski // Nathan & Kamionski LLP, Pointed Discovery LLC

Imagine running a business with over 100 employees and it’s not your “main” job. Enter Avi Kamionski. Avi is a well-known litigation lawyer who...

An Ugly Law of Human Nature // There’s something significant to...

Some decades ago, when I was in my 20s, I published a book of short essays. The lead piece was titled “The Beauty of...

Rav Matisyahu Chaim Salomon, zt”l // The Life and Lessons of...

For over 50 years, Rav Matisyahu Salomon inspired thousands of Yidden around the world through his many shmuessen and vaadim, his personal guidance, and...