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Woman To Know: Risa Rotman

“Sometimes I need to give myself a pep talk,” Risa tells me towards the end of our conversation. “Aren’t you supposed to be the...

Anna Brzyska: The Woman Who Refused To Let Brigel Forgot // How one woman...

One early November morning nearly four years ago, Anna Brzyska set out from her home in Krakow to the town of Brzesko, called Brigel...

There’s a Bear Out There // Lessons from the night

I am driving down a maze of twisty roads into the dusk, guided by the beams of my headlights. It is that in-between time...

Bungalow Blues // I finally understood how it’s possible to feel lonely in...

“Here we are!” my husband announced as we turned off the main highway onto a small dirt road. We stopped in front of a...

Hands-free // A treatment for osteoarthritis almost robs a woman of the use of...

It all began in 2008, when Miriam began experiencing pain in the joints of her thumb and forefinger. Before long, she realized that the...

My Daughter Is Angry About Our Financial Crunch // Three parenting experts respond to...

Dear Ami: My husband and I find ourselves in a quandary. I’m reaching out to you because you sometimes offer such questions to a panel,...

Fire! // Drama on a Shabbos morning

It was five a.m. on Shabbos morning when my husband woke up with a start. “There’s a fire somewhere,” he said. “I can smell...

An Unlikely Culprit // The doctors insisted that there was nothing wrong with my...

With a shrieking baby in one hand I picked up the ringing phone with the other. “Hi, Ma!” I said very loudly over the baby’s...

The Photo Detective // Lily Yudinsky solves historical mysteries by delving into forgotten photos...

Have you ever had a houseful of guests, and one of the children asks to see your picture albums? The child then proceeds to...

Distracted Parenting // You’d never let your children have a smartphone....

It was before the age of smartphones. I was traveling north on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn and I picked up my phone, perhaps a...