Ami Living

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Spinning My Wheels // If it sounds too good to be true…

Most newlyweds would love to have their own car, but on our kollel budget, leasing a new car or even owning a secondhand one...

Alternate Reality // She did not want to be confused with the facts

One evening, during that in-between time after camp ends and school hasn’t started yet, our family spontaneously scheduled a get-together at a local restaurant....

The Seat Switch // Everyone had our best interests in mind, but…

“If I ever happen to fly with you, I’ll walk to the back to visit you in economy,” my friend Perry assured me laughingly....

The Hidden Costs of Shopping Addiction // When a Great Deal Isn’t Great

Chumi isn’t the sort of person you’d associate with the word “addict.” A mother, bubbie and substitute teacher, she seems to lead an exemplary...

Shabbos on the Belt Parkway // No one knew where we were

Growing up, my uncle was my first exposure to the fact that not all men are created equal. He liked to putter around the...

A Studio Grows in Brooklyn // Rochel Leah Reifer creates music and helps others...

Nestled among the unassuming red-brick homes on a densely populated street of Boro Park lies a music studio. From the outside, one would never...

I Heard a Voice // Passing along the message

One night eight years ago, Shloimi was asleep in bed. It was almost dawn, and he was just beginning to wake up when he...

Chicago’s Curious Shabbos Minhag Mystery // Everyone agrees that Chicago brings in Shabbos a...

Everyone needs a hobby during the pandemic—something to keep us busy, take our minds off the day-to-day restrictions and difficulties in our routines—and a...

Story of the Little Doll, the Border Guard, and Me // Everyone has a...

Creak, creak, creak sang the rocking chair. Bubby’s voice blended with it, sounding like a nightingale’s song accompanied by a fiddler. Every Thursday she...

Desperately Seeking Garbage // Yitta Halbertam takes Bal Tashchis to the extreme on an...

I’ve walked these streets before. I stand on a street    corner in the West Village, home to stately brownstone mansions, New York University’s...