Ami Living

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The Lives of Military Wives // Three frum women share their stories of being...

The life of a frum military wife can be lonely. Moving from place to place, keeping kosher in remote corners of the globe, and...

To Tell or Not to Tell // A daughter is torn about letting her...

I  have a question that I would love to see answered in your magazine, because as many people I pose this question to, everyone has...

My Two Mothers // Adopted as a child, Dr. Hila Haelyon met her biological...

When Israeli Dr. Hila Haelyon, who was adopted as a child, gave birth for the first time, she tells me she noticed herself behaving...

Not your Mother’s Discount Store // Is that “designer dress” you’re nabbing really such...

A few weeks ago, I went to a store to get some new spring clothes for my girls. When I walked in, I noticed...

Unbroken Chain // Encounters with gadlus last much longer than a lifetime By Rena...

How long does the recipient of a favor need to be grateful to the giver? A week? A year? Thanks to our cherished relationship...

My Grandmother’s Guide to Segulos // Advice for how to obtain long life, good...

After the Nazis inflicted devastation on the Jews of Europe, my great-grandparents decided to move to New Orleans. Upon arrival, my great-grandfather immediately asked...

Dropping Off Mishloach Manos, the Mathematical Way // I have the tools to make...

Recently, when I think about Purim during the day, I dream of mathematics at night. Let’s be clear. Purim is a great Yom Tov. I...

Don’t Be Fooled! // I thought I was too smart to fall for an...

I had a phone I didn’t need, and in my quest to have fewer devices cluttering up the house, I listed it on Facebook...

The Monster// by Dr. Shulamis Weissman Seuss

It’s that time of year The time you fear Oh no! IT is here! The THEME looms near IT looms big and wide IT looms inside IT looms outside There’s nowhere...

The Auschwitz Diary // a frum girl’s writings during the torment of the holocaust...

Even during these terrible events that we are dealing with today, I pray to you, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Who will save us from this...