In the Wake of a Wildfire // Personal and photographic Reflections on the devastation and renewal that fire can bring

Parenting With Slovie Jungreis Wolff

As told to Musia Kaplan
Photography by Eli Basri

Burning, blazing and blinding, a wildfire is one of nature’s most voracious forces. And yet, it is also a strong agent of rejuvenation. By clearing the dead debris on the forest floor, a wildfire actually reveals the nutrient-dense soil underneath.
A month after a wildfire raged near the mountains of Jerusalem, a new generation of vegetation appeared under the burned trunks of the arbutus trees (as seen in the photos accompanying this feature). Nature is resilient, but not as resilient as its inhabitants.
We interviewed people from various places to hear about their experiences with wildfires. Just like the photos of vividly colored leaves shooting out of the scorched earth, these vignettes illustrate the possibility of hope and healing after tragedy.

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